18 April 2011

Mice on Treadmill

Hey Everyone,
Just so you can have a visual for the "Chronic Exercise ameliorates the neuroinflammation in mice carrying NSE/htau23" article.... here is a link on mice subjected to treadmill excises. I'm thinking it may lead to improved cardiovascular fitness; however looks like it could induce a little chronic stress as well.


  1. This video really gives you a great visual for the paper "Chronic Exercise ameliorates the neuro inflammation in mice carrying NSE/htau23". I definitely agree that it could improve cardiovacascular fitness. The mice look very stressed when they fling to the back on the treadmill so I could see how it could induce a little chronic stress as well.I really enjoyed the video!!

  2. That's a very amusing video! I think that the mice having to use their brain in a new and intense way is what is improving them rather than the exercise itself. Ofcourse good cardiovascular fitness will always benefit people, in the case of neurodegenerative diseases, I think what really helps is keeping your brain active.
