27 March 2011

"CNS Can Control Arthritic Joint Inflammation and Destruction"

When Looking at the "CNS Can Control Arthritic Joint Inflammation and Destruction" article I found it very interesting that the CNS is a controlling influence for the body and can regulate peripheral inflammation and immune responses. The study showed that if p38 is blocked in a highly restricted site but not throughout the body inflammation in the joints is significantly suppressed. The researchers also showed a decrease in joint destruction in the rats paws. Through the study inhibition of TNF-a was also studied because it was thought that p38 regulates release of TNF-a but also that TNF-a can continue activating spinal p-38 causing ongoing symptoms and destruction. The article showed that an inhibition of p38 and TNF-a causes a decrease in arthritic symptoms. After reading about this I found it interesting that spinal delivery may be more effective than systemic delivery. I believe that more studies need to be conducted and looked at investigating the route of administration. After looking at this article did anyone find a good diagram to explain the different enzymes and why the spinal delivery may be more effective with these certain enzymes?


  1. One of my burning questions about this study was how they chose where to inject. Did they concern themselves at all with the location of reflex arcs related to the joints that were most affected by arthritis? I'm not sure how quickly cerebrospinal fluid flows through the spinal canal or if choosing the spot along the spinal canal has any significance at all, but I thought I'd ask.

  2. That is a very good question. After reading the article I only got that the reason why was that it is somatic afferent input to the spinal cord from a peripheral inflammatory site which can modulate the peripheral response. But as far as where they chose to inject it I have no idea and I believe this is an important point that should have been discussed some where in the paper.. So my answer to your question is I am not sure either..
